



Scrapy调用scrapy.utils.log.configure_logging()设置一些合理的默认值,并在运行命令时处理Logging的设置中的这些设置 ,所以如果你像从脚本运行Scrapy中所述的一样从脚本运行Scrapy,建议手动调用它。



  1. logging.CRITICAL - for critical errors (highest severity)
  2. logging.ERROR - for regular errors
  3. logging.WARNING - for warning messages
  4. logging.INFO - for informational messages
  5. logging.DEBUG - for debugging messages (lowest severity)



import logging
logging.warning("This is a warning")

输出日志信息到标准的5个级别中的任何一个都有快捷方式, 有一个接收给定日志级别作为参数的通用的logging.log方法。如果你需要这样做,最后一个例子可以改写为︰

import logging
logging.log(logging.WARNING, "This is a warning")

在此种情况下,你可以创建不同的"logger"来封装消息 (例如,常见的做法是为每个模块创建不同的logger)。这些logged可以单独配置,而且它们允许按层级构建。

上面的例子在幕后使用root logger,它是一个顶级的logger,所有消息被都传播给它(除非另有指明)。使用logging只是明确获取root logger的快捷方式,所以上面的代码片段也等同于︰

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.warning("This is a warning")


import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('mycustomlogger')
logger.warning("This is a warning")

Finally, you can ensure having a custom logger for any module you’re working on by using the __name__ variable, which is populated with current module’s path:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.warning("This is a warning")

See also

Module logging, HowTo
Basic Logging Tutorial
Module logging, Loggers
Further documentation on loggers

Logging from Spiders

Scrapy provides a logger within each Spider instance, that can be accessed and used like this:

import scrapy

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):

    name = 'myspider'
    start_urls = ['http://scrapinghub.com']

    def parse(self, response):
        self.logger.info('Parse function called on %s', response.url)

这个logger使用Spider的名字创建,但你可以使用任何自定义的Python logger。例如︰

import logging
import scrapy

logger = logging.getLogger('mycustomlogger')

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):

    name = 'myspider'
    start_urls = ['http://scrapinghub.com']

    def parse(self, response):
        logger.info('Parse function called on %s', response.url)

Logging configuration

Loggers on their own don’t manage how messages sent through them are displayed. For this task, different “handlers” can be attached to any logger instance and they will redirect those messages to appropriate destinations, such as the standard output, files, emails, etc.

默认情况下,Scrapy基于下面的设置为root logger设置和配置一个handler。

Logging settings

These settings can be used to configure the logging:

第一对设置定义日志消息的目的地。If LOG_FILE is set, messages sent through the root logger will be redirected to a file named LOG_FILE with encoding LOG_ENCODING. If unset and LOG_ENABLED is True, log messages will be displayed on the standard error. Lastly, if LOG_ENABLED is False, there won’t be any visible log output.

LOG_LEVEL determines the minimum level of severity to display, those messages with lower severity will be filtered out. It ranges through the possible levels listed in Log levels.

LOG_FORMAT and LOG_DATEFORMAT specify formatting strings used as layouts for all messages. Those strings can contain any placeholders listed in logging’s logrecord attributes docs and datetime’s strftime and strptime directives respectively.

Command-line options


See also

Module logging.handlers
Further documentation on available handlers

scrapy.utils.log module