Built with Grunt Badge
Do you use Grunt in a project and want to proudly display that in your project README or on your project website? Now you can with the "Built with Grunt" badge!
Using the Badge
Just copy the following Markdown code snippet and paste it right underneath the headline in your project README. You can also put it on your project website homepage or footer.
If you need an HTML version, we've got you covered.
<a href="https://gruntjs.com/">
<img src="https://cdn.gruntjs.com/builtwith.svg" alt="Built with Grunt">
For example...
As you can see, the "Built with Grunt" badge is modern, stylish, and has been designed to fit nicely next to all your project's other mini-badges. You can put it first, last, or anywhere in the middle. Have fun!
Let us know if you are using the "Built with Grunt" badge by tweeting at @gruntjs.
We'd like to especially thank StackPath for hosting this badge and for sponsoring open source development.